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2022 Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

It is that time of the year again! How? I do not know. Can someone please explain to me how the passage of time is so weird?

I am back with a book blogging community staple: the Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag. I did this last year and had a lot of fun with it. There’s a few variations of this tag out there, with a bunch of prompts, so I normally go with the ones that I have answers to.


Books read: 32
Reading goal: 32/60
Average rating: 4.2
Most-read genre: Fantasy

I am ahead on my reading goal! Just barely. Last year, I was severely behind, but I’m doing pretty well now. Let’s hope I can keep it up and accomplish my goal. As long as school doesn’t get in the way once it starts again. My average rating is the same as it was last year at this time. Most of the books I’ve read so far have been enjoyable; there are only a few that didn’t live up to my expectations. No one is surprised that fantasy is my most read genre. At the beginning of the year, I read seven fantasy books in a row.

The Poppy War (The Poppy War #1): I finally read this series at the beginning of the year, after being convinced by Cherelle, and loved it so much. The worldbuilding is complex and detailed, with a full-fledged government and history. And the characters! Rin, who is hotheaded and impulsive, with massive fire powers, is one of the most powerful characters I know. (my full review)

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (AGGGTM #1): AGGGTM is by far my favorite mystery series now. I loved the Sal and Andie investigation that Pip went on–it was detailed and realistic and I loved theorizing along with Pip. Her log entries were so fun to read and they almost always ended with a new suspect, making me want to read more. I also loved her relationship with Ravi and how they interacted with each other. (my full review)

Our Violent Ends (These Violent Delights #2): I’ve read quite a few sequels this year, but OVE takes the prize. Roma and Juliette’s chemistry was off the charts and I love how we got to know Celia and Benedikt more. I was not ready for that ending with Alisa at the lake, that was truly heartbreaking.

This Place is Still Beautiful: I feel like this book is going to pull at my heartstrings but I want to read it anyway. It sounds so powerful and many have commented on it.

Queen of the Tiles: I am all for murder mysteries and this one, paired with a competitive Scrabble competition, seems like something I’d enjoy. I’ve heard a lot of positive things about this, so I have hopes for it.

Daughter of the Moon Goddess (The Celestial Kingdom Duology #1): I was initially drawn in by the cover (who wouldn’t be, it’s gorgeous) and was even more excited when I found out that it’s inspired by the legend of Chang’e. I learned the story at a young age and this story seems amazing.

Babel (August 23): After reading The Poppy War, I will now read whatever R.F. Kuang writes. Babel seems like such an interesting read. A dark academia historical fiction? Yes, please.

Foul Lady Fortune (Foul Lady Fortune #1) (September 27): I was so excited when I found out that I didn’t have to leave the world of 1900s Shanghai behind. Rosalind getting her story is exciting.

A Spell for Chameleon (Xanth #1): This wasn’t exactly a disappointment, but it didn’t work for me. I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would, but it was very sexist and displayed in a really wrong way. This was published in 1977 so it had a different audience back then, but the way it dealt with looks vs. intelligence was wrong.

How We Fall Apart: I found this book to be kind of annoying. The characters didn’t have a lot of depth to them and even when they’re dealing with the murder of their former friend, they’re more worried about keeping their reputation at school. The story was also a bit predictable, making the big reveal not very exciting. (my full review)

The Ones We’re Meant to Find: I was looking forward to this book so much, but for the most part, I was just confused. I understood the basic concepts, but the context didn’t make a lot of sense and I didn’t understand what was happening a lot of the time.

Other Words for Home: I vaguely knew that this book was poetry but it really surprised me when it read like prose. I listened to this on audiobook so I didn’t get the visual aspects of poetry, but it was beautifully written nonetheless and I enjoyed it immensely.

Alice Oseman: I’ve read five of Alice Oseman’s books so far this year and it’s safe to say that she’s now one of my favorite authors. Heartstopper has implemented itself as my favorite graphic novel and I also really enjoyed Loveless.

R.F. Kuang: R.F. Kuang is talented. Publishing The Poppy War when she was just over 20 goes to show how much skill she has. Her worldbuilding and writing is fantastic and The Poppy War is one of my favorite series now.

Nick and Charlie from Heartstopper: These two are the most adorable couple ever! I fell in love with Nick and Charlie from the moment I started reading the first volume of Heartstopper. They are both amazing characters and their relationship with each other is so precious.

As Good As Dead (AGGGTM #3): You all know that I don’t cry when reading books, but this book made me want to. That last part of the book with Pip and Ravi was so sad and I was heartbroken for them. And that last page! 😭 Did it have to end like that?!

Heartstopper: I only put the first volume’s cover up, but the whole series made me happy. The wholesome, realistic look upon school and figuring out who you are is done so well. The characters are all amazing (except Ben and Harry of course) and all of it just makes me happy.

Forging Silver into Stars (Forging Silver into Stars #1): I love the border design with the swords in them. The silver and green contrast each other and the fire adds a pop of color that catches your eye.

When We Were Infinite: I love the picture of Beth and Jason on the cover. It looks like it was all done in pencil and then streaked with watercolor on Beth’s side.

Heartstopper: I feel like this is just a Heartstopper appreciation post since I’ve mentioned the series three times now. But it’s deserving of it. The Heartstopper TV show is amazing and was done so well. The actors were amazing, especially considering that most of them haven’t been in a film before. (my full thoughts)

There are so many books I want to read by the end of the year. Here are some that are top priority (Knowing me, I probably won’t get through all of them):

What are your answers to some of these questions?


  • Suhani

    AHHH YAY CONGRATS ON BEING AHEAD OF YOUR READING GOAL!!! I’m pretty much failing at mine lolll
    and the poppy war WAS SO SO GOOD!!! i recently read it as well and oh gosh I fell in love!! OUR VIOLENT ENDS!! it made me sob like a baby 😭
    ahhh I need foul lady fortune LIKE NOW!! and ahh Alice oseman is one of my favourite authors as well!
    AND HEARTSTOPPER SUPREMACY YES I WILL ALWAYS STAND BY THAT! oooh all my rage was stellar, hope you love itπŸ’—

    • Lotus @ Pages of Starlight

      Thank you!! Yes, The Poppy War is amazing! OVE was so good and yes, why can’t Foul Lady Fortune release sooner? I will gladly stand by Heartstopper with you. Ooh, that’s good to hear, I’m hoping to get to All My Rage soon.

  • Anoushka

    AHHHHH I LOVE THIS POST SO MUCH!!! and AM LIVING for all the heartstopper appreciation, ok?? AND ALSO THESE VIOLENT DELIGHTS!! I DESPERATELY NEED TO GET TO THE DUOLOGY SOON 😭😭 hope you enjoy all the books (AND YES, YOU NEED SIX OF CROWS) and cannot wait to hear your thoughts on them!! HAVE A FABULOUS REST OF THE YEAR ❀️❀️

  • Karla

    This post made me squeal for SO MANY REASONS!! I adored The Poppy War and the AGGTM series sooo much!! So happy you enjoyed them too! πŸ₯° And seeing Our Violent Ends on this list gives me a little relief because it has been on my TBR since Febru

    • Karla

      *since February and I’m so happy to hear that you loved it! Also yes omg the ending of As Good As Dead upset me so so much even if it made sense and it was very clever!! But the book stressed me out SO MUCH!!! The last line gives me hope though 😭😭 And I’m happy to see that someone else found The Ones We’re Meant To Find disappointing to! Wonderful list and sorry for the message in two parts, my computer glitched πŸ˜­πŸ’•πŸ₯°

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