Tags and Awards

The Liebster Award

Hey, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I was tagged by Virginia @ The Sassy Library Fox to do the Liebster Award a while ago, and I’m finally getting to it now. Thank you so much to Virginia for tagging me!

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers that you think deserve the award.
  • Ask 11 innovative questions to the ones you have nominated.
  • Remember to notify your nominees once you have uploaded your acknowledgement post.

If you could be any book character which one would you like to be and why?

Hmm, who should I be? I don’t know, a lot of the characters I read about are in fantasy novels and they’re running from death. I don’t think I’d want to be in their situation. On the other hand, I’d probably want to be a character from a fantasy novel because then I could explore that world, which would be awesome. Ahh, I don’t know. I’m going to leave this question unanswered.

A new favourite author you discovered in 2021?

Chloe Gong, most definitely. These Violent Delights was such a good read, with well-crafted characters, amazing worldbuilding, and vivid writing. I have yet to read Our Violent Ends, but I hope it’s as good as the first book.

Are you a fan of k-dramas (or dramas in general) and if yes which one would you recommend?

No, I’m not.

Is there an author you literally bought all books from?

Rick Riordan. I don’t have all of his books, but he’s the author that I have the most books from, which is twelve. I have the complete set of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the third and fourth book of The Trials of Apollo, the third book Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, and then four of his companion/informative/guide books.

Today’s TMI? *lol*

Uhh, I don’t know. Nothing interesting has really happened today.

What’s your favourite season and why?

I never know what to say in answer to this question. I like the seasons for various reasons, but I also don’t like the seasons for various reasons, and I get hung up on the negative aspects. Winter is too cold, spring gives me allergies, summer is too hot, and fall is that weird time of the year when it’s supposed to be getting colder but stays at like 90 degrees until November. So I don’t know.

Do you prefer to drink tea, coffee or water?

Water, definetely. I’m not a tea or coffee fan. Coffee’s way too bitter for my taste and tea just isn’t my thing.

Which kind of tropes do you really dislike in books?

Love triangles and instalove really annoy me. Love triangles can be done well, in some situations, but they usually just add unnecessary drama to the story. Instalove is just unrealistic. Also, miscommunication. I feel like it’s usually added for suspense or drama, but most of the time, especially if it drags out for a long time or is done in a really important spot, it annoys the heck out of me.

Your top 5 books of 2021 so far?

Haha, you can tell I waited a long time to do this. I’ll just list my top 5 favorite books from 2021. Here’s my Favorite Reads of 2021 post where I talked about these more in depth and also went through the full ten.

What is your favourite animal/creature from a book and why?

Fenestra from Jessica Townsend’s Nevermoor series will probably always be one of my favorite animals from a book. She is a Magnificat, which basically just means a ginormous cat. And as all cats are, she is extremely sarcastic, a bit narcissistic, and a lover of a good nap. Even with all of her moodiness, she can be very loyal and doesn’t want bad things to happen.

Do you play an instrument and if yes, which one? =)

I’ve been playing the violin for almost eight years and I really enjoy it. I’m in my school’s orchestra and I have a lot of fun, being able to play with other people. I also play the ukulele, but that’s mainly just something I picked up during quarantine because I was bored. I can play a few songs but nothing too extraordinary.

11 Facts About Me:

  1. I’ve been wearing glasses since fourth grade.
  2. I whistle incessantly a lot and it drives my mom crazy.
  3. During quarantine, I became a Marvel fan, much to my friends insistence because I’d never watched one before. I’ve managed to watch almost all of them now, in chronological order. Just need to watch Black Widow. (I also skipped The Incredible Hulk because I’ve heard it’s not that good.)
  4. Lotus is not my real name but it is close to it.
  5. I can wiggle my ears.
  6. I was a girl scout for technically six years but turned into seven so I could finish my Silver Award after COVID postponed it.
  7. My entire first year of high school was online.
  8. I bike to and from school, which in total is about 5 miles or 8 kilometers.
  9. My favorite animal is a panda. I have a bunch of panda-themed stuff in my room, including, but not limited to: stuffed animals, a pencil jar, a notebook, sticky notes, and a backpack I don’t use.
  10. I can speak three languages: English, Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish, but I’m only fluent in the first.

I Tag (no pressure):

My Questions:

  1. What are the top three book releases you’re anticipating this year?
  2. What was the book that got you into reading?
  3. Who are some of your favorite musical artists?
  4. What’s a hobby you have that’s not related to reading or blogging?
  5. What is one good thing that happened to you this week?
  6. If you could insert yourself into a book, what genre would you want it to be?
  7. What is your favorite time of day and why?
  8. What is one thing you wish you could tell your younger self?
  9. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
  10. Do you like chocolate? If so, milk, dark, or white?
  11. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

How’s everyone doing today? Is there an author you buy a lot of books from?


  • The Sassy Library Fox

    Yay! So glad you did the award! =) I still haven’t read “These Violent Delights” but you really made me want to pick up the book soon. XD And same about spring with allergies. I used to love spring but nowadays I’m so allergic to everything that I can’t enjoy it anymore. >_< I've never heard of Fenestra but she sounds pretty cool! Definitely will take a closer look at the book! Thanks for doing the award and for all those interesting answers! =)

    • Lotus @ Pages of Starlight

      Thanks for tagging me! These Violent Delights is so good, I hope you enjoy it! Yeah, they make spring so pretty, but along with it comes a bunch of pollinating plants. Ooh yes, Nevermoor is a really enjoyable series! Thank you for reading!

  • Suhani

    Ohh yea I own almost all of Rick riordan’s books too ahha! I think I’ve read most of them too except the Magnus chase series. Really need to get on that!!
    Loved reading your answers!

  • dinipandareads

    Great post, I really enjoyed reading your answers 😊 I can’t wait to finally read These Violent Delights in February and I’m also really looking forward to reading We Are Not Free and I’ll Give You The Sun at some point this year! Your most disliked tropes are mine too. I find I’m a little less picky at times when it comes to instalove (especially if I’m just reading for entertainment and it’s not too cringey lol) but love triangles and miscommunication are really the worst! 😩 Thanks so much for the tag, Lotus!

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