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Let’s Talk Bookish: What Book Format Do You Prefer?

Hey, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. It’s been a bit of a long week, with a lot going on, so I’m glad I can just rest today and tomorrow. Today, I’m doing another LTB post. This week is a Chose Your Own Adventure, where you can write about what you want or answer a prompt you missed.

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme created by Rukky @ Eternity Books and hosted by Aria @ Book Nook Bits where we discuss various topics and share our opinions. Today’s topic is What Book Format Do You Prefer? (prompt 2 weeks ago).

Prompts: What’s your favorite reading format? Hardback? Paperback? Audiobook? Ebook? What makes you prefer one over the other? Which do you read the most? What are the pros and cons of these different formats?

I will always love physical books the most. There’s something about holding the book and feeling the pages beneath my fingertips as I turn them that is relaxing to me. Hardcovers always look so nice, with the dust jacket and sometimes cool details on the cover. They have more protection so I don’t feel as bad when I bring them to school with me, shoved between all my school supplies. The only downside to hardcovers is that they cost more money.

Paperbacks are what I usually read (and what I mostly own) because they’re cheaper and lighter. I’m much more careful with paperbacks since they’re more likely to get damaged. I think I like paperbacks more than hardcovers. I don’t exactly know why, but it may be that it’s easier to curl with a paperback.

Physical books seem more calming to me. I don’t know why–maybe it’s because ebooks are online and don’t seem as cozy. Physical books are also great for traveling because you know you’ll have a book and not have to rely on your device, especially if you’re going somewhere without WiFi.

I also like physical books so I can read during class. Some teachers won’t let us have our phones out after tests, so having an actual book lets me read.

Ebooks are great for making your bag lighter. When I bring a book to school, especially if it’s a hardcover, it takes up space in my backpack and makes it heavier to carry. I also like ebooks because they’re easier to hold when I’m eating and reading. A physical book requires me to hold the pages down, but an electronic device just needs me to swipe for the next page.

I love audiobooks for long car rides. I talk about that all the time, but it makes the time fly by so much faster. I like listening to books that are exciting and have action in them, so it’s usually fantasies. I have listened to contemporaries, but they’re usually not as action-packed.

Audiobooks are also great to listen to while doing chores. I’ve listened to books while folding wash and it’s much more entertaining that doing it in silence. Other than that, I don’t listen to audiobooks that often.


Each book format has its own pros and cons. I like each of them for different reasons but physical books will always be on top. They’re what I mostly use and it’s immediately what comes to mind when I think about reading.

What book format do you prefer? Do you use one more than the others?


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