Tags and Awards

The Blogger Recommendations Tag

Hey, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I am slowly getting through the tags I was tagged for, with varying success. Today I am doing The Blogger Recommendations Tag. Thank you to Prashana @ Readers’ Alcove for tagging me!

The Blogger Recommendations Tag is essentially a way for bloggers to share some of their favorite bloggers with their readers. It helps the readers discover more blogs and also brings appreciation to the bloggers mentioned.

– Nehal @ Quirky Pages


  1. Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.
  2. Mention the creator of the tag: Nehal @ Quirky Pages
  3. List the rules.
  4. Share one or more bloggers you think fits into each criteria.
  5. The people you mention will be considered tagged.
  6. Apart from the ones you shared, you can tag other bloggers and notify them.
  7. Just have fun!!

Here’s a list of the prompts:

  1. A fascinating blog theme
  2. A lovely home page
  3. Great book reviews
  4. Amazing humour
  5. Mind-blowing poems and stories
  6. The friendliest
  7. The most consistent
  8. The best at sharing tips
  9. The talented artist
  10. Cool site name
  11. The underrated

1. A fascinating blog theme

There are so many people with amazing blog themes, but one that I absolutely love is Cherelle’s @ A Bolt out of the Book. It’s so organized and pleasing to look at I’m not a huge fan of pink, but I don’t have anything against it and the design of Cherelle’s blog is so pretty.

2. A lovely home page

Ashmita @ the fictional journal has a very unique home page! I love the little story she has in second person and the GIFs have such a calming vibe to them.

3. Great book reviews

There are so many people to choose from! Everyone has a different way in how they write their reviews, and I love reading them all, but one person whose reviews I always enjoy are Ritz’s @ Living, Loving and Reading. They’re to the point and cover all the aspects of the book, while also being fun to read.

4. Amazing humor

Without a doubt, Anoushka @ Dipped in Ink. Her posts never fail to put a smile on my face. She has a very distinct blogging style and voice and her posts are always filled with enthusiasm and energy.

5. Mind-blowing poems and stories

I always love reading the poems Jahnavi @ Love13Reading writes. She has a way with words and all her stories are written so beautifully.

6. The friendliest

Can I say all of you? Seriously, pretty much every blogger I’ve met has been so kind and friendly. However, since I have to name someone, I’ll go with Sofi @ A Book. A Thought. Her posts are always super engaging and have a really enthusiastic vibe to them. She’s super kind and her support throughout the bookish community is amazing.

7. The most consistent

For this one, I’m going to say Riddhi @ Whispering Stories. She posts every day and also runs two other blogs, poems and poesies and The Human Book Club, both of which are amazing as well. I do not know how she manages to handle all of them.

8. The best at sharing tips

I don’t read a lot of blogs that have share tips regularly, but Maggie @ maggie’s doodles does them occasionally. She actually did a post on tips for posting while working full-time, which had a bunch of great advice. I don’t have a job, so they don’t apply to me at the moment, but I’m sure they’d be helpful for anyone who does.

9. The talented artist

Ray @ Ray is Writing has some awesome art that she’s shared on her blog. I love her style and the different mediums she uses. They all look so cool!

10. Cool site name

I was tempted to say A Bolt out of the Book again, because I love puns, but for the sake of variety, I’m going to say Jan @ Inkspun Tales. She recently did a blog rename and I love what she chose. It has such a magical feeling to it, you know?

11. The underrated

I thought for a long time about this and chose Nihaarika @ clouded galaxy reads. She writes amazing content that I always enjoy reading. She’s been blogging for a bit over a year now, I think, and deserves all the followers she has and more.

I tag everyone who I mentioned in the questions above, as well as anyone else would like to do this. I know some people I mentioned have already done the tag, but if you haven’t, feel free to do so. I had a lot of fun doing this tag; I think it’s a great way to discover new blogs and show appreciation for them!

Do you know the blogs I mentioned above?
What are some blogs you know of that fit the prompts?


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