Tags and Awards

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Hey, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. As you can tell from the title of this post, I got nominated for another award! Thank you so much to Jenna @ Embers of Eleanor for nominating me!

The Rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back their blog.
  2. Answer all the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your blog post.

What is one book you have lied about loving because of the hype? (Spill your secrets!)

I don’t think I have? I either haven’t read them or I actually did like them.

What is one particular object that you can’t live without? (Sorry, but you cannot say books. Something other than that.)

Darn, I can’t say books? Well, alright. I guess my glasses then. I’m practically blind without them. Not really, but everything is really blurry, and then I can’t read, and not being able to read is very annoying, so. . . yeah. My glasses.

Do you prefer books in the first person or third person?

I don’t really have a preference, but I think I read more books that are in first person. First person makes the story seem as if you’re living it and you are experiencing whatever the characters are experiencing. Third person is like watching from the sidelines or getting told about it. I think I gravitate more towards first person POVs, but I enjoy third person as well. And if it’s third omniscient, it’s a lot of fun because you can glimpse what other characters are feeling.

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you choose? (Can be a fictional character or a real-life person)

Ooh, good question. I think it would be really cool to be Morrigan Crow from the Nevermoor series for a day. She’s a Wundersmith and she has all these powers that let her do really cool things. Very not descriptive right there. It’d be fascinating to live in Nevermoor for a day as well; that place sounds like a lot of fun, especially the Hotel Deucalion.

If you had magic, what would you use it for?

Depends on what kind of magic. Overall, I’d most likely use it to help people. And of course I’d use some for myself as well 😄.

Do you believe in aliens?

Yes. Well, no. I mean, I think there’s a possibility that there’s some form of living. . . thing out in the universe, but in the form of bacteria or something, not like E.T. alien type.

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What place (on Earth, and it should be real) do you really, really, really want to visit?

I really want to tour Europe. I have a few destinations in mind–Italy, Belgium, Ireland, and others–but one of the places I especially want to visit is Greece. This was of course spurred on by my love of Percy Jackson, which got me into Greek mythology. Plus, the country looks so beautiful.

What are your top 3 favorite TV Shows/Movies?

As of right now, (it changes a lot) I think they’d be Raya and the Last Dragon, the animation is so good; Ted Lasso, it’s so heartwarming and also really funny; and Julie and the Phantoms. I finished it a while ago and the music in it is amazing.

What is the thing you hate most about this world?

Probably the fact that some people aren’t willing to accept others who are different, whether that be a disability or their sexual orientation or just something that makes them different from what people deem the “norm.” It’s not fair to those who are different (and I mean that in a good way), and it can really hurt someone to know that some people will never accept them for who they are.

What is the best moment in your life?

Only one? How can I choose? Okay, let’s see. . . this isn’t the best moment of my life, but it’s what I can think of right now. Early 2020, I went to the Cayman Islands (back when you could travel normally, ugh I miss that time), and I went snorkeling with my dad. It was a lot of fun and we saw turtles and a bunch of cool fish. The water there is so warm compared to the Pacific Ocean, which is absolutely freezing.

What is the best thing about the lockdown?

Hmm. . . probably the fact that I got to start high school online. I came from a really small middle and elementary school (it’s a 1st – 8th grade school with a student body number of about 300), and transitioning to a high school with around 2,000 kids was kind of intimidating. And I’m an introvert, so it makes it even more nerve wracking. With school online this year, it was an easier way to get used to things in high school and also not have to worry about the social interactions.

I Tag:

My Questions:

  1. What fictional world would you like to visit the most?
  2. What was your last 5 star read?
  3. What book do you think would make a really cool movie or TV show adaption?
  4. What’s your favorite season?
  5. What’s a TV show you’re currently binging? (or if you’re not, a TV show you love)
  6. What’s one of your highly anticipated releases for the rest of 2021?
  7. What mythical animal do you wish was real?
  8. If you could have any animal for a pet, wild or tame, what would it be?
  9. What’s your favorite song at the moment?
  10. What language have you always wanted to learn to speak?
  11. What is a trope that you love and a trope that you hate?

What’s one particular object you can’t live without? What person would you want to be for a day?
Chat with me in the comments below!


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