Discussions,  Let's Talk Bookish,  Memes

Let’s Talk Bookish: How Do You Create Bookish Content?

Hey, everyone! I hope you’re doing well. It’s been about two months since I’ve done an LTB, so I thought I’d get back into it. I have this tendency to do something for a while and then stop and then pick it up again. Anyways, moving on. . .

Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme created by Rukky @ Eternity Books and is hosted by Rukky and Dani @ Literary Lion where we discuss various topics and share our opinions. Today’s topic is How do You Create Bookish Content? (suggested by Rukky.)

What’s your posting process?

I don’t really have a posting process, per se, but I do plan out my posts. I usually start writing them a few days before they’re published so I have time to go back on them and edit them as I like. Some posts I start drafts for don’t get finished until like, a very long time after I started them.

I have a document where I made calendars of each month and I sometimes plan out what I’m going to post beforehand. I mostly do this for weekly memes so I know if I’m going to do it that week or not. With my other posts, like book reviews, tags, etc., those are usually just when I feel like doing it or when I finish a book I want to review.

Do you write posts based on spontaneous ideas or do you follow a schedule of topics?

For the most part, I follow a roughly laid out schedule. Some things are more spontaneous, like for example, I have a post on books by Asian authors coming out soon, and that was an idea I had based on the fact that this month is AAPI Heritage Month. The only posts that I know for certain will be published on certain days are weekly memes, because there’s a specific day for them. The other posts are more when I get them done, or when I want to post them.

How do you decide what and what not to post (maybe you feel like some things are too controversial or “out of date”)?

I try to spread out the different posts I do on my blog and not have the same thing too many times in a row. As for controversial or “out of date”, I don’t think so. I did stop doing WWW Wednesday’s a while back because I felt like they become a bit boring to read. I might still do them once in a while, just for a quick reading update, but besides that, I’ve kind of stopped doing them. For other things, I haven’t talked about things that are too serious yet or could be too controversial.

Do you tailor your posts based on reader interaction/views, or do you just focus on what you want to talk about?

I pay attention to readers’ interactions and their views on posts, but they don’t make a huge effect on what I talk about. I will look at stats and stuff and see what gets the most attention. Overall though, I usually tend to stick to the stuff I’d like to talk about.

How do you create bookish content? Do you have a specific posting process?
Chat with me in the comments below!


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