• Lists & Recommendations

    My Favorite Reads of 2022

    With the start of a new year comes my favorite reads from the previous year. This has come to be one of my favorite annual post, where I get to gush about the books I loved. I read 57 books last year, which was so close to reaching my goal, but I didn’t quite make it. I’m listing my top 10 favorites, starting with ten and working my way to the book that gets the number one spot for the year. #10: The Ghosts We Keep by Mason Deaver “Grief is a complicated, ugly, messy thing. And it makes you do complicated, ugly, messy things.” I read this book as…

  • Memes,  Top Ten Tuesday

    Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases for the 2nd Half of 2021

    Hey, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. There are so many books coming out this year that I want to read and there’s so little time. It seems like every day, I discover a book on someone’s blog that looks interesting and it gets added to my TBR. It’s like a totally unfair imbalance: I finish a book and five more get added to my list. Okay, I’ll stop complaining. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl where there is a topic and you make a list that best fits it. Today’s topic is Most Anticipated Releases of the Second Half…