• Tags and Awards

    The “How Well Do I Know my Books?” Tag

    Yes, this is another tag that I was not tagged for. I’m known to do that. A lot. But this one looked like way too much fun for me to not do it. This tag took me a long time to do, which is why I didn’t get a post out on Friday. But I was able to finish it yesterday. I found out about this from Amber @ The Literary Phoenix, who did it recently. It was originally created by Jesse the Reader. This tag is a bit complicated to explain, but I’ll try my best. There are 28 questions and each one has to be answered with a…

  • Lists & Recommendations

    8 Overlooked Books I Think Everyone Should Read

    Hello, everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I have a list of books I think everyone should read. Some of these books are aimed at younger kids, around middle grade (or even younger), but they have strong and powerful meanings behind them. They’re good lessons for anyone, regardless of age. Now, these books aren’t necessarily underrated or not popular (though some of them are) but I think they’re not as appreciated for the lessons they can teach people. They’re overlooked in that aspect. So without further ado, let’s get started! The Missing Piece of Charlie O’Reilly ~ Rebecca K.S. Ansari For a book published nearly two years ago,…